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Thought Leadership

Here you can find insights into various pieces while working in the Amazon space looking at consumer buyer behaviour, peak events, efficiency and general ad strategy. 


Amazon is the powerhouse of fast and furious changes, which can be difficult to manage for even the most savvy and time rich of advertisers. In order to not only keep up with these changes, but take advantage of them in order to scale - many advertisers find a need to turn to a support tool.



Shopping Bags

Consumers do not purchase at the same rate consistently throughout the year.


As an advertiser, an awareness of how consumer shopping dynamics change around peak events can help you maximize the potential of these high-opportunity periods.


Sometimes we can forget that a multitude of events takes place before and after someone actually buys a product on Amazon. When a customer purchases your product, you see a sale and monetary success.


However, take a step back - how did they get to that point of conversion and how can we bring them back in the future?

Brown Luggage
Nature Tokens


The Amazon algorithm favours the promotion of products which are highly likely to convert customers. 

What happens when your paid advertising starts to eat into the sales you generate organically? 


Want to drive more sales in 2023?


Considering the full customer journey ensures you can connect with consumers at every possible touch point, building lasting brand recognition, and ultimately increasing conversions downstream.

Scaling the Rocks

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