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I have worked on a number of exciting projects both in my work and personally.

Some of my notable projects include supporting my client to increase their sales 29x using Sponsored Products Advertising on Amazon, and implementing an advertising strategy with a major consumer goods brand resulting in a 131.6% lift in attributed sales in the US.


In addition, I also write thought leadership pieces on the Amazon space and have my own personal blog with opinion pieces. Take a look at some of these below!

Personal Blog


My Personal Blog is a space where I write thoughts about different topics important to me, focusing mainly on wellbeing, past experience and advice. 

You can check out my Personal Blog here!


Million Makers Charity Team

Perpetua x Ascential

Our Million Makers team - Team Ignite - through the organisation and execution of inspiring and inclusive events, seeks to make a positive impact by both raising awareness about The Prince's Trust and generating financial contributions as part of the Million Makers initiative.

Find out more about our team here.

Find out more about the Prince's Trust here.

Smile in Red

Client Case Study


We worked with an agency client to enable them to set up customised strategies for each of their respective clients to more efficiently grow the brands on Amazon.

In doing so, we saw incredible efficiency and growth results such as a Total ACoS decline of 55% for one brand, and organic sales increasing on average 11x across other brands.

Find out more here.


Client Case Study


Our B2B and B2C client's products span across several categories such as furniture, accessories, PPE, pet products and more. By working together we were able to bolster their online presence on Amazon across multiple regions and more effectively manage their wide product portfolio.

The results spoke for themselves and we saw 2x total sales for them in Germany, a 131% lift in attributes sales in the US and a 41% increase in ROAS across Europe.

Find out more here.

Image by Joshua Rawson-Harris

Thought Leadership


I have shared various thought leadership pieces while working in the Amazon space looking at consumer buyer behaviour, peak events, efficiency and general ad strategy.

Find out more about this in the Thought Leadership section of my site here!

Cloud in the Sky

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